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A Healthy Vegan Nachos Recipe?


Restaurant nachos contain fats, cholesterol, and not much “health.” Our vegan nachos recipe turns this traditional food into a healthy snack or meal.

vegan nachos recipe

A typical nacho dish contains fried tortilla chips, ground meat, sugar and salt-laden beans and salsa, full-fat sour cream and cheese, and more. According to, one serving at a popular restaurant boasts over 1400 calories per serving with 62% from fat. Not exactly health food.

Can this typically fat-laden dish really become healthy? We believe it can. It depends on what you put in and how you prepare it.

For instance, take those fried tortilla chips. Exchange them for baked. Now, reduce the number of chips a bit and add in more of the healthier versions.




Our Vegan Nachos Recipe offers a simple approach.


Use this basic plan and customize to your preferences

Vegan Nachos Recipe, the Ingredients

Healthy Vegan Nachos Recipe, the Assembly:

  • Gather all ingredients, making sure warm ingredients are hot enough.
  • Begin with a layer of baked tortilla chips
  • Add the beans and meat substitutes
  • Layer other ingredients, making sure to leave chips accessible
  • Serve immediately.

Alternatively, you might provide each ingredient in separate dishes or on serving platters. Then, allow each person to create a personalized nacho plate of his or her own.



vegan nachos recipe

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