Love a variety of cuisine?
Looking for healthy option?
We’ve collected authentic recipes from around the world. Each recipe has been carefully reworked to create a healthy vegan version with all the flavor and texture of the original.
Welcome to Vegan Globetrotter!
Let’s take a trip around the world together! We’ll show you how to create healthy plant-based foods from countries and regions around the world, right in your own kitchen. Entertain your guests in style. Serve new flavors to your family. Boost your health while tantalizing your taste buds. We’ve collected authentic recipes from around the world. Each recipe has been carefully reworked to create a healthy vegan version with all the flavor and texture of the original.
Most of our recipes use widely available ingredients and simple techniques. When special ingredients prove necessary, we’ll note that. We’ll also show you helpful hints to make preparation easier. In addition, look for special serving tips for that extra WOW factor! Additionally, look for special entertainment and serving ideas. We’ll show you how to cook ahead to save last minute time. Considering an “around the world” party? Consider tapas! We’ll show you how.
Latest Post
Lentils: Varieties, Nutrition, Benefits – Protein Powerhouses
If you haven’t jumped on the lentil bandwagon yet, you’re seriously missing out! Not only are...
20 Healthy Vegan Recipes For Weight Loss
If you are planning to shed some pounds without sacrificing flavor, then you're in the right...
20 Kid-Friendly Vegan Recipes
Looking for delicious, kid-friendly vegan recipes that’ll make mealtime fun and nutritious? You’ve...
21 Easy Vegan Tofu Recipes
Tofu is one of those versatile, plant-based ingredients that can do just about anything! Whether...
20 Low-Carb Vegan Recipes
If you are planning to spice up your meals while keeping things low-carb, then you’re in the right...
25 Low Fat Vegan Recipes
If you're on the hunt for delicious meals that are both nutritious and low in fat, these 25 Low...
23 French Vegan Recipes
Craving the rich, flavorful dishes of French cuisine but want to keep it vegan? You're in luck!...
Hot Recipes
Lentils: Varieties, Nutrition, Benefits – Protein Powerhouses
If you haven’t jumped on the lentil bandwagon yet, you’re seriously missing out! Not only are...
20 Healthy Vegan Recipes For Weight Loss
If you are planning to shed some pounds without sacrificing flavor, then you're in the right...
20 Kid-Friendly Vegan Recipes
Looking for delicious, kid-friendly vegan recipes that’ll make mealtime fun and nutritious? You’ve...
21 Easy Vegan Tofu Recipes
Tofu is one of those versatile, plant-based ingredients that can do just about anything! Whether...
20 Low-Carb Vegan Recipes
If you are planning to spice up your meals while keeping things low-carb, then you’re in the right...
25 Low Fat Vegan Recipes
If you're on the hunt for delicious meals that are both nutritious and low in fat, these 25 Low...
23 French Vegan Recipes
Craving the rich, flavorful dishes of French cuisine but want to keep it vegan? You're in luck!...
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