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Most Nutritious Seeds to Eat
Seeds and Food
As a child, I was warned never to eat any seeds. Of course, a lot of these warnings came from my family and usually when eating fruits. As I grew older, I found out that seeds are super healthy for you. Get ready to know more about the most nutritious seeds.
Seeds are a great source of fiber. They also have healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and even antioxidants. Antioxidants are things in food that can prevent or usually slow down the aging and deterioration of your cells. There are also other health benefits of adding seeds into your diet. In short, they help make you feel and look young.
Of course, not all seeds are worth eating, and there are some that you need to avoid. In this article, I’ll try my best to give you all the necessary information regarding seeds, their health benefits, and the most healthy seeds to eat! I’ll also tell you how to add the most nutritious seeds to eat to your diet.
Nutrients in Seeds
Seeds are pods full of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. They need to be this way since they end up as actual plants later on when they grow. Seeds specifically have the following:
Iron is an essential component of the body’s growth and development. Hemoglobin and myoglobin are both made using iron. Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells that transports oxygen to all body areas from the lungs. Myoglobin is a protein that transports oxygen to muscles. Iron is also needed for the production of particular hormones by your body.
Overdoses of iron are uncommon. Most of the time, if the body has more iron than it needs, it will store it for later use. Although most individuals receive all of their iron through their meals, some diseases may need iron supplements.
Calcium is a nutrient that is required by all living things. It is the body’s most common mineral and is important for bone health. Calcium continues to help preserve bones and reduce bone density loss, which is a normal part of the aging process, even after a person has stopped growing.
Calcium helps in the formation of children’s bones. Calcium-rich foods (dairy, almonds, leafy greens, and seafood) may strengthen and protect your bones. Calcium helps our blood clot, muscles contract, and heartbeat, in addition to creating and maintaining healthy bones.
It may be found in various foods, including green leafy vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seafood. In addition, it generates energy and controls the body’s blood sugar and chemical processes. Moreover, it also contributes to the development of teeth and bones.
In addition, magnesium is required for the normal functioning of your heart, muscles, and kidneys. It has been shown to decrease belly fat when combined with a colorful diet, regular exercise, and minimal daily calories.
Moreover, magnesium has also been proven to improve mood, with advantages being obtained with or without antidepressant drugs. Lastly, Magnesium may assist people with hypertension in controlling their blood pressure. Magnesium supplementation has also been related to a reduction in the risk of stroke.
Phosphorus helps in the formation of healthier bones and teeth. It is a mineral that is often found in your bones. It also plays an important role in how the body makes protein for your cells’ growth and maintenance. Lastly, Phosphates enhance flavor and moistness in most foods.
Having a phosphorus deficiency can cause a lot of things to your body. One is that you may lose your appetite which will lead to malnourishment. Another is that you may even get bone pain, with extreme cases of having soft or deformed bones. Of course, these depend on whether you get your recommended dose of phosphorus from your diet.
Seeds for Healthy Living
As I mentioned earlier, despite being very small and often thrown out, seeds are super-nutritious. Consuming them daily will give you numerous health benefits. They are known as powerhouses of nutrients and minerals.
Another great thing about seeds is that they are extremely versatile. They can easily be added to your meals. You can easily add it with your morning toast or a bowl of cereal to your evening salad or a hefty burger for dinner.
Though you need to take note as well that there are seeds that need special preparation. It would be best to do your due diligence in finding out what to do and the most effective way of adding seeds to your diet. Luckily, I’m here to research for you, not to have to dig around more on the internet.
Extremely Healthy Seeds
Flax Seeds
Flaxseed, often known as flax, is the flax plant’s seed. It’s a good source of fiber, protein, and potassium. It’s also high in omega-3 fatty acids. Lignans’ anti-inflammatory effects have been proven in studies to help prevent heart disease and cancer. Lignan is a kind of antioxidant.
Flaxseeds may also aid in blood pressure reduction. Research showed that flax seeds might decrease blood pressure, particularly when taken every day for more than 12 weeks. Flaxseeds may help decrease the risk of diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels and lowering the risk of heart disease and cancer.
How to Include it in Your Diet
Flaxseeds should be ground before eating. They’re ideally blended into hot porridge, cereals, yogurts, ice creams, and even smoothies. It can also be used as a flour replacement in muffin and bread recipes. Flax is rich in fiber, so start with a little amount at first to avoid disrupting your bowel habits.
Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are the edible seeds of a mint-like flowering plant. In ancient Aztec and Mesoamerican civilizations, they were an important crop. The seeds were used for medical purposes and were a necessary component of their diet.
One of the healthiest foods out on the market is Chia seeds. They’re high in nutrients that may help your body and brain function better. There has been a recent trend or craze for chia seeds these days, and the main explanation for this is the quantity of fiber and Omega-3 fats that these seeds contain.
Consuming chia seeds has been known to lower blood sugar levels. Chia seeds also have quercetin, an antioxidant that may help you avoid a range of health issues like heart disease. Finally, the seeds’ fiber absorbs water, causing them to expand in your stomach and enhance your sensation of fullness after eating them. Chia seeds may help you maintain a healthy weight by making you feel full while eating less.
How to Include it in Your Diet
Whole chia seeds may be found at most supermarkets or bulk food shops. You may also purchase them on the internet if you don’t want the hassle of going out. They are usually consumed by soaking them in water and drinking it. I love making pudding and adding chia seeds. You can combine the seeds with milk or fruit juice and top it with cacao nibs or fresh fruit.
It’s unnecessary to soak it in water since people also often wash and add them in salads. Chia seeds may be used as an egg substitute in baked products such as cakes and pieces of bread by including them in the batter. You can also include them into your flour batter to create a rather unique chicken breading. Finally, you may use them to give a distinct yet mild taste to homemade soups.
A Word of Caution
Despite the many health advantages of chia seeds, research has shown that consuming too much may lead to problems. One of them is the possibility of stomach problems. Eating too many chia seeds may trigger constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and gas due to their high fiber content.
Chia seed allergies are uncommon, but some people have them. Vomiting, diarrhea, and itching of the tongue or lips are all signs of knowing if you’re allergic to chia seeds. Finally, if you currently use diabetic or hypertension medicines, consuming too many chia seeds may cause dangerous drops in your blood pressure or sugar levels.
Hemp Seeds
Hemp seeds, commonly known as hemp hearts, are high in potassium and vitamin E. They contain the highest protein content of any edible seed on our list. They are also known to be a good source of healthy fats.
Hemp seeds are a great vegan protein source. They are high in protein and include a variety of other important elements. Hemp seeds have been proven to have higher protein quality than most other plant protein sources.
Hemp seeds are a good source of Magnesium as well. It is often known for preventing heart disease by regulating your heartbeat. Linoleic acid is also present. Studies showed that the acid lowered cholesterol levels by 15% and may help to lower blood pressure.
How to Include it to Your Diet
Raw, fried, or roasted hemp seeds are all good options. Hemp seeds are bigger than the other edible seeds on this list. As a result, they can provide a nice texture to cereals, yogurt, and even salads. To enhance their flavor and nutritional value, you may also want to include them in your favorite dishes, like smoothies, soups, and more.
You don’t have to boil hemp seeds to enjoy them, although you may have them baked or toasted. The quantity of beneficial fats in toasted hemp seeds versus raw hemp seeds is important. Hemp seeds have a greater taste profile when cooked, but they lose some nutritional value. Raw hemp hearts are ready to consume right away, and they’ll provide you with all the nutrients the seeds can give.
Sesame Seeds
They are widely eaten in Asia as well as in Western nations. In addition, sesame seeds are rich in selenium, an antioxidant that has been proven to reduce the risk of chronic illness, in addition to minerals and fiber. Also, they are high in manganese and calcium, two minerals that help your bones develop strong and healthy.
Moreover, they are anti-inflammatory due to their warm nature. According to some studies, they are an excellent source of fat and may help lower harmful cholesterol. Sesame seeds are also known to contain lignans, which help reduce stress hormones and enhance the quality of sex hormones in the body.
How to Include it to Your Diet
Sesame seeds are safe to consume raw, but toasting them brings out their nutty taste and crispy texture. Some individuals like to wash them to ensure that they are clean and less prone to burn up. People usually sprinkle the seeds over salads, stir-fries, or soups. The general recommended amount every day is to consume 1 tablespoon of raw or roasted sesame seeds.
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are one of the most popular seeds on the market nowadays. They are high in Omega-6 fats and phosphorous, making them beneficial to the bones, nerves, and heart. They’re known to be high in phytosterol, a plant-based chemical that is known to help reduce blood cholesterol levels.
Pumpkin seeds have been linked to a variety of health advantages, owing to their diverse nutritional profile. Pumpkin seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids, Magnesium, and other minerals that benefit the heart, bones, and other bodily processes. Getting enough Magnesium has been linked to increased bone density and has been proven to reduce the risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
As part of a balanced diet, the American Heart Association advises a quarter cup of pumpkin seeds each day. Pumpkin seeds are high in vitamins and minerals such as manganese and vitamin K, which aid wound healing. They also include zinc, which aids the immune system’s battle against germs and viruses.
How to Include it to Your Diet
Pumpkin seeds are edible seeds that may be eaten raw but are most often roasted. They’re a popular component in Mexican cooking and are often consumed as a healthy snack. To roast them, mix them in a bowl with olive oil or melted butter, salt, pepper, and any additional spices you like. You may also use them to add texture to soups or chili. Finally, you may use them to decorate baked products such as muffins or cookies.
Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds are a nutritious complement to any diet since they include vital minerals and organic components. They’re a good source of fiber, and they’re also anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Sunflower seeds are high in nutrients and are known to help maintain healthy bones and skin.
Protein, minerals, monounsaturated fats, B vitamins, and antioxidants, including vitamin E and selenium, are abundant in sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds have been linked to reducing inflammation in middle-aged and older individuals, lowering the risk of heart disease.
Particular research found that consuming nuts and seeds impacted blood cholesterol levels in type 2 diabetic postmenopausal women. Sunflower seeds are also renowned for their high antioxidant content. They help in the reduction of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are dangerous molecules that raise our risk of diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers.
How to Include it to Your Diet
Sunflower seeds are sold in their shells and you can consume them roasted or uncooked. Sunflower seeds that have been shelled must be cracked open, and the shell was taken out. It is not recommended to consume the shell.
In addition, they may be used to trail mixes, granola bars, and other daily snacks. They give a distinct and delightful flavor to the dish. Sprinkle them on salads or mix them with hot or cold cereal or oatmeal. Finally, you may use them to give a slight nutritious crunch to baked products such as loaves of bread and muffins.
Adding seeds to your diet may seem tricky and foreign to you, but I hope that I got to convince you otherwise after reading this article. The ones I mentioned are the most healthy seeds to eat are of my opinion. I based them on research and also personal experience.
My family and I found that these most nutritious seeds to eat were weird and off-putting at first. But now, we cant have a meal without adding a little bit of them because the taste is good. It adds a depth of flavor that you will definitely notice and miss if you decide to take it off your diet.
So again, I hope that I was able to show how seeds are actually extremely healthy and are definitely a superfood in my family’s book. The health benefits of adding seeds to your diet are a lot more than what most people think. I hope I got to convince you to at least try it out!
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