Tunisian Spice, Tabil

Tabil, Tunisian Spice BlendTabil (pronounced like “table”) means seasoning in Tunisian Arabic. This widely-loved Tunisian spice blend, also recognized as Tabil, is a staple in most kitchens, with a history that traces back to the late 1400s. Comprising...

Smooth Coconut Lentil Curry

Smooth Coconut Lentil Curry Curry is one of the most popular dishes in India and, personally, one of my favorite dishes. Curry in India has been traced all the way back to around 2000 BC, had slowly made it’s way to England in the 17th century, and after was...

Chicken Flavor Seasoning – Chik’n

Chik’n Seasoning – Chicken Flavor Seasoning  Looking for a vegan chicken flavouring recipe with a touch of green onion? Use this recipe to flavor any of the meat substitutes, including tofu. We keep a glass jar of it, with green onion added, ready to use...
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