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Bread and Butter Pudding
This vegan Bread and Butter Pudding is rich and creamy. It’s a traditional British dessert. They’re made with custard-soaked bread, juicy raisins, and a crispy demerara topping. This is beige, doughy, high in carbohydrates, and made from stale bread. This is one of the most popular British home-cooked puddings for all of these reasons. Slices of slightly stale bread are buttered and layered with fruit before being soaked in a rich custard. Sprinkled with crunchy demerara sugar. Baked slowly until crisp and golden on top and gooey in the center. What’s not to love about this?
These are perfect for celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. This could be one of your favorite Pudding when you taste them. These are also can satisfy your morning breakfast. You can make this festive by adding more green toppings you desired. Call me a bias, but I definitely avoid supermarket bread. Unless I’m starving, there’s nothing else to eat. I’m a huge fan of good, old-fashioned bakeries that still make bread properly. Required a few ingredients needed to make a delicious loaf. To make this pudding perfect I’ve rounded up some suggestions below.
Expert Suggestions
Here are a few helpful hints for making your bread and butter pudding extra special including;
Allow about 30 minutes for the custard to soak into the bottom layer of bread. Some recipes call for overnight soaking, but I find that this turns the bread to mush, and I prefer a bit more texture.
- Use mildly stale bread. If the bread is too fresh and soft. It will lose its texture and turn to mush. I used a sliced sourdough loaf, which is delicious, but any white bread will suffice.
- Butter the bread generously! The pudding will be moister and more delicious if you use more butter.
- If possible, prepare a bain-marie, which is a hot water bath that gently and evenly cooks the custard. You don’t need any special tools to make this.
- I usually add a spoonful of demerara sugar at a time, and if it isn’t crunchy enough, I’ll add another spoonful.
Bread and Butter Pudding Recipe:

Bread and Butter Pudding
- 4 tsp raisins or dried cranberries
- 3 tbsp wine brandy or marsala
- 1¼ cup cashew nuts soaked overnight
- 1⅔ cup soy milk plant-based milk
- 1 tbsp vanilla essence
- 4 tbsp maple syrup to taste
- 1 tsp cinnamon plus more for sprinkle
- ⅓ tsp ginger ground
- ¾ tsp nutmeg ground
- ⅕ tsp cloves ground
- 2 tsp all-purpose flour cornstarch, cornflour
- 7-8 slices sourdough quality
- 3 tbsp butter coconut oil, vegan
- 1-2 tbsp candied orange peel diced
- 2 tsp pomegranate seeds
- 1 tbsp orange marmalade optional or coconut/date sugar
- Set aside the raisins that have been soaked in brandy.
- Place the soaked and rinsed cashews in a blender. Add half of the soy milk, put the lid on but leave the opening on the top.
- Start blending the cashews while trickling the remaining soy milk through. You should end up with a thick liquid resembling cream.
- For a gingerbread-flavored custard, combine vanilla extract, maple syrup, and all of the spices. Finally, while the blender is running, add cornflour to prevent lumps from forming.
- Preheat the oven to 180° F/ 355°F and grease a baking dish with vegan butter or coconut oil.
- Cut the bread slices in half and spread vegan butter or coconut oil on both sides. (See note 1)
- Pour a small amount of custard into the bottom of the dish and top with a few raisins and candied orange slices.
- Arrange the buttered bread slices snugly in the custard, with the cut sides half immersed. (See note 2)
- Allow the bread to soak up the custard for 30 minutes before serving.
- To make a glaze, dilute the marmalade with a teaspoon of hot water. (See note 3)
- Bake for 30 minutes, or until the custard has thickened and the bread has taken on a nice color. (See note 4)
- Fill the empty spaces with small pieces of bread)
- More raisins and orange peel can be sprinkled on top. More custard should be spread on top of the bread slices, filling in any gaps
- If you don't want to use a marmalade glaze, brush parts of the bread that stick out of the custard with this glaze and sprinkle with extra cinnamon, leftover candied orange pieces, and coconut or date sugar.
- For a festive touch, garnish with leftover raisins, orange peel, and pomegranate arils.
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